
Long time no post

I'm sorry it's been so long! But I'm glad to say that I've been really busy living my life headache free :) I've gotten more than a few emails asking how I'm doing and if I was planning to update the Blog, and I have been meaning to, so here I am...

I had my 4 week post-op appointment this past week, which involved an MRI and a visit to my surgeon, and he told me I'm healing beautifully. The biggest worry was fluid leakage, which occurs in about 20% of the surgeries and requires the surgery to be redone, but luckily that's not the case! Also, most Chiari patients report suffering from headaches after the surgery, but I have not had any headaches! It has been unbelievable; I never anticipated such remarkable results.

My incision is healing well and the scar isn't too noticable. My hair is growing back quickly also. I have to say, and if you've ever shaved your head maybe you know this, but man does it itch when your hair grows back! Or maybe it was because of the stitches and the incision, but it doesn't hurt too much anymore. I still have neck stiffness and some pain, so I'm taking flexeril and vicodin pretty regularly, but other than that, I'm feeling like a new person and loving it!

I've been BUSY BUSY BUSY doing a ton of things I never thought I'd feel well enough to be doing. I'm taking a grad class through NIU in Naperville and was actually well enough to go to class on 6/23 and stay for 4 hours, 9 days after surgery! I was alert, paying attention, participating, and I even drove myself there (the campus is close to my house). We've been busy w/ Reagan's swim team, Charlie's t-ball, going to the pool, visiting my parents, and hitting the library about twice a week. The kids have been extremely understanding and patient with my limits. We took them to the festival in Arlington Heights over the 4th, and my sister Kerry was nice enough to take Reagan on all the rides since I couldn't (although she loved it too). I was so happy to be able to go with Mike to NY for a family wedding with his kids. Before the surgery I had no idea how I would be feeling or if I'd be able to go, but we stayed positive and he got me a ticket, I got a dress and we just planned that I'd go, and if not, then no big deal. But I would have been crushed if I would have had to have missed it, and not only did I feel well enough to go on the trip, I felt great all weekend! I was able to go to the gym with his mom, dance at the wedding, walk all over Central Park, and we had a great trip :)

What started off as a most difficult, painful summer as progressed into one of the best I can remember. And it's not over; that's the great part. We still have Reagan's birthday, many more days at the pool, Lolla, many other August birthdays... lots to celebrate and be thankful for!