
All clear

I had my appointment today with the cardiologist. Charlie came with me, he didn't particularly enjoy watching them hook me up to the EKG machine, which I could tell because he came over to me and started playing with my hair. I reminded him that they were just going to do a test on my heart, and that it wouldn't hurt at all, maybe just tickle a tiny bit (you actually don't feel a thing, and it takes like 5 seconds once they finally get it all hooked up, but the stickers and clips look rather intimidating).

The results came out the same, but after doing an exam the doctor concluded that the premature ventricular contractions (PVC's) may at worse be a sign of mitral valve prolapse, but pose no risk for the surgery and gave me clearance. I do need to follow up with him in the future to keep my heart condition in check though, ugh.

I can't say I was completely relieved about getting the go ahead for the surgery...as it gets closer, I'm starting to freak out a bit. I'm sure that's normal, and I do want to get it done and over with, but with it being only five days away, I kind of wish I had more time. I've been feeling so well since the injections and vacation to Jamaica, I wish I could just feel like this a little longer, because I know that come Monday when I wake up, I'm going to feel AWFUL. The recovery is going to be really tough, my doctor and nurse have prepared me for this, and I'm dreading it. In the long run, if it works, it will be so worth it, but right now, I wish I could enjoy some more of the summer with the kids. Reagan isn't even out of school yet; her last day is tomorrow. We get one day together, then the weekend, and that's it, and I just wish we had more time. She's be so mature about going to school everyday knowing I'm home with Charlie (I've been off for 2 weeks), and I feel bad that this is how her summer is starting off. But, on a more positive note, getting back into my summer routine with the kids, going to the pool and the park and their sporting events will motivate me to get better as quickly as possible. My goal will be to miss as little as possible. I'm sure I'll get frustrated, but at the same time, their precious little faces and smiles of encouragement will keep me going :)

1 comment:

  1. Kristin...I will be praying for you. What a journey you've been on. I will pray for a speedy, 100% recovery for you.

